Test your in/tolerance to alcohol in the right way!
Made as party-starter. And party. And after-party.
Beardbarian Games present a new and innovative party game that leads to -or is a result of- even higher levels of intoxication, while making sure that it’s not a mere throw a dice- move a figurine- drinking game, but a constant battle with yourself and other players. Who has more stamina and experience, who will get annoyed, who is more honest while intoxicated, has a great sense of humor or gets overly emotional? In one sentence- who’s going to dominate while intoxicated?
Although this game can be played linearly as similar games, we’ve included several decks of cards with different purposes, which had, after numerous extremely non-scientific tests, confirmed our hypotheses – it’s far more enjoyable to do the tasks given to you, answer the questions or play several side-games and as a reward- or punishment-, drink your favourite beverage. And it gets even better after a few rounds!
We get it. You want to play these kind of games because of alcohol. Buuut….. What if we told you that you could, at the same time, on the same board, play several card games that blend perfectly with this one and contribute to the feeling of camaraderie and relaxation, making you laugh while playing them? Each and every one of them is a quick-draw, doesn’t require a whole lot of brainstorming, and, of course, implies that someone will have to drink some alcohol, either as a reward or as a punishment. Oh, the humanity!
Beautiful design. High quality. Practicality
These are the goals that we’ve set from the very start and never have nor will give up on ! That’s why we’ve put our time and effort into making this game- planning, improvement and making every aspect of it perfect- quality casing, beautifully designed and high quality cards, highly durable board of ideal size and with perfect balance of details… This game will blow your mind! All you need to do is to throw a dice.
We’re giving you entertainment. We’re giving you games. We make you relax. We make you laugh. We make you feel good.We put you under pressure. We reliefe you of pressure. We make you sin, and then give you chance to redeem yourself. We make you come out of safe zone and take risks. We are here because of you. We are Beardbarian Games!
© 2016-2017.Beardbarian Games Ltd.